Pre-School - 5th Grade
Offered during the academic calendar, Kids’ Ministry at Faith has something for everyone! Starting at 10:15 AM, it offers a mix of small and large group opportunities in music, art, movement, bible stories, prayer, child care, and more. We use the Spark-Activate Faith Curriculum for Sunday School ages 3 yrs through 5th grade.

6th - 8th Grade CONFIRMATION
In Confirmation, students study the Old Testament, focusing on key stories that highlight God's faithfulness to Israel and Israel's inconsistent response, with the aim of applying these lessons to their own lives to foster complete trust in God. Additionally, they memorize the Ten Commandments and Martin Luther’s explanations from his Small Catechism, as these are essential for daily living. Classes TBD based on involvement.
Church Calendar
Community Calendar
GLOW Calendar
Puppets of Faith