Our Mission Teams
All teams support the Mission of the Church
Communications Team
This team handles all Admin IT, Audio/Visual and Marketing Promotions of the Church.
Education & Family Ministry
This team oversees education for ages two through 8th grade including Adult Education and learning.
Facility Management Team
This team is responsible for the care and maintenance of all physical properties of the church. They work with the office manager on building and event usage while keeping rooms safe and orderly.
Faith In Action Team
This team creates outreach events while helping to facilitate our seasonal stewardship series regarding our time, talent, and treasure.
Finance Team
This team oversees Memorial Fund and Care Funds while working with the Endowment Fund. They help Church Council with financial matters of the church.
Green & Social Concerns Team
This team helps plan, stimulate, and coordinate ministry of social concerns as well as helping the congregation understand ways to be green by reusing, reducing, and recycling.
Personnel Team
This team establishes and reviews personnel policies for recruitment, training, and performance management of paid staff, and provides input needed for personnel-related issues.
Worship & Music Team
This team’s purpose is to promote, encourage, interpret and enrich the worship experience of the congregation, including guidance to ushers, greeters and altar preparations.
Women's Ministry
Faith Lutheran Church Women along side the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America help coordinate retreats and conferences as well as fund raising for the Church.
Youth Advisory Team
A group of mentors and parents come together to help the Youth Director in planning activities and bible-based education for 9th-12 graders. This includes an annual mission trip in the USA.