Sunday March 23rd, 2025
This Sunday’s message carries a strong call to repentance and renewal. Jesus’ parable of the barren fig tree reminds us that while God’s judgment is real, His mercy is even greater. The landowner’s demand to cut down the unfruitful tree is met with the gardener’s plea for more time—an image of Christ’s patience and grace. In this season of Lent, we are invited to examine our lives, turn to God, and bear fruit in faith. God's invitation is clear: “Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live.” May we respond with hearts open to His grace.
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#ChristTheKingSunday #ContemporaryWorship #FaithLutheranChurch #FaithAlive2025 #FaithLutheran #Epiphany #TransfigurationSunday #GodsGlory #FaithTransformed
#Lent2025 #ThirdSundayInLent #LentenJourney #GospelMessage #Luke13v1to9 #ParableOfTheFigTree