Sunday October 13, 2024

Oct 13, 2024    Pastor Heather Brown

Welcome to the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, a day when we also observe Indigenous People's Day, recognizing the rich history, culture, and contributions of Indigenous communities. Today, we take time to reflect on the importance of honoring Indigenous peoples, acknowledging their deep connection to the land, and their struggles for justice and equity. As we remember them this day, we are reminded of our call to seek justice, reconciliation, and stewardship of creation.

Our Gospel reading from Mark 10:17-27 presents a profound moment of encounter between Jesus and a rich man seeking eternal life. Jesus’ response to this sincere question is one of love. He invites the man to sell all he owns, give to the poor, and follow him. This invitation challenges the man—and us—not to find fulfillment in material wealth or status, but in a life of simplicity, service, and care for others.

In a world that promotes consumption and personal gain, Jesus' call to "divest for the sake of the other" stands in stark contrast. As we honor Indigenous People's Day, we are reminded of the wisdom Indigenous communities often hold regarding living in harmony with the earth and prioritizing community over individual accumulation. Their teachings about caring for creation and one another resonate deeply with the Gospel’s message of love, justice, and mutual care.

Let today’s reflection inspire us to consider the ways we, too, might divest of excess and work for the well-being of our neighbors, especially the marginalized and those in need. As Jesus looks upon us with love, may we respond with open hearts, committed to following his path of radical generosity and justice.

Let us worship together in the spirit of love, justice, and reconciliation.


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