Sunday November 24, 2024
Welcome to our Christ the King Sunday worship service! Today, we reflect on Jesus as our true King, whose authority is rooted in truth and love. The Gospel from John 18:33-37 invites us to ponder Jesus' unique kingship—not of earthly power, but of divine truth and nonviolent victory.
Our service features contemporary worship with the Faith Praise Band, and we’re thrilled to welcome a special musical performance by the Marshfield High School Madrigals.
For our Temple Talk, Cheryl Zimmerman will conclude our Stewardship Series, exploring how we can use our Time, Talent, and Treasure to serve God’s mission. Cheryl will also share how you can give online through our app.
Join us in worship, reflection, and joyful music as we celebrate Christ the King and anticipate his reign of truth and love.
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For Cable Access in Marshfield, WI - Channel 989
Sundays at Noon, Mondays at 11:30 AM, & Fridays at 11:00 AM
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CCLI License #21007928 (streaming plus)
ONELICENSE #A-718859 (copyright and streaming)
#FaithLutheranMarshfield #GodsGrace #JesusSetsUsFree #Stewardship #ELCA #ChurchUnity
#ChristTheKingSunday #ContemporaryWorship #FaithLutheranChurch