Sunday September 29th, 2024

Sep 29, 2024    Pastor Heather Brown

Welcome to our worship service for the 19th Sunday of Pentecost! Today, we joyfully welcomed new members into our congregation, celebrating the growth of our faith community.

In the Gospel reading, we reflected on a story where someone outside Jesus' close circle was casting out demons in His name. The disciples, like Joshua in the Old Testament, wanted to stop this person because they weren’t officially part of the group. But Jesus, much like Moses, saw no threat and encouraged them to embrace the good being done, even by those they don’t know or control. This teaches us to recognize and value the work of God, even when it comes from unexpected places and people.

We also have exciting news from the Communications Team! They officially launched our new church website, which features an updated calendar of events, volunteer sign-up options, and a new app that you can download from any platform to stay connected with everything happening in our church. Be sure to check it out and get involved!