Sunday March 2nd, 2025
Join us for our Worship Service as we celebrate Transfiguration Sunday! Reverend Randy Olson will be guest preaching today. He is the Assistant to the Bishop for the NW Synod of Wisconsin. Today, we reflect on the radiant glory of God revealed in the face of Jesus. Just as Moses, Peter, James, and John witnessed this divine splendor, we, too, are called to reflect His light in the world. Through the Word and the Supper, we behold His glory and are “transformed into the same image” by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Come and be renewed in faith as we worship, pray, and grow in the presence of our glorious Savior. May His light shine through us all!
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Sundays at Noon, Mondays at 11:30 AM, & Fridays at 11:00 AM
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